Luglio / Agosto 2013
title: Un segno magico fra natura e favola
Text: Antonella Padularosa
Photo: Eddy Wenting.
English Summary
title: Un segno magico fra natura e favola
Text: Antonella Padularosa
Photo: Eddy Wenting.
English Summary
Dutch artist Peter Korver, has turned his love and fascination for the world of animals and nature into a personal poetry of wall- and ceilingpaintings; large panels that, once completed, are assembled in the houses of his clients.. .
(Il pittore olandese Peter Korver, ha trasformato la sua vocazione per le specie animali in poetiche pitture murarie o su grandi pannelli che una volta terminati, vengono montati nella casa dei committenti.)

"In my early teens I used to raise caterpillars." Peter Korver says. "it started with holding two moths in an old aviary for mating during an overnight stay . Shortly after I witnessed the hatching of the eggs they had laid, and in the weeks that followed I filled the cage with all the leaves the aviary could contain, to make shure the caterpillars were well fed. One day I discovered they were all gone; buried as pupae under the sand. Ttwo months later however, on a cool summer evening, I attended an extraordinary natural spectacle: the nymphs were changed and our garden was filled with even so many large pink moths. For me this was pure magic ." This passion for nature has accompanied artist Peter Korver since his childhood, spent in the natural surroundings of Hollands north-western coastline. His first vocation was to become a biologist, after the first few years at Amsterdam university however, he switched to history and the arts. Today, his works are a direct reflectiion of this multi-faceted training; wall paintings that combine natural history with art, myth and story telling.
Time and again inspired by his organic repertoire Korver realizes personal variations on the theme of painting animals, birds, plants and flowers, using unusual backgrounds: antique floorboards, facades of buildings, architectural ruins, stacks of broken Delft porcelain. A clear reference to the architecture of the house can always found in the works this Dutch decorator. The owner of a beautiful historic farmhouse saw a crested hoopoe added to one of the oversized panels above his doorways. and a 40 M² painted wheat field with blue thistles and mating butterflies on the ceiling, to remind us of the houses vertile and fruit bearing past. The birds painted for an 18th c. palazzo in the historic center of Amsterdam on the other hand, were depicted against a trompe l 'oeil background of historic and architectural elements. In these five "Histoire Naturelle" paintings - one of his latest works, painted on aluminum panels for the entrance of an eighteenth century Napoleonic residence - Korver has combined the decorative tradition of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in a series of aviaries. Exotic and indigenous birds are mixed here, with abandoned furniture, matresses and portraits of historical figures relating to the houses history. Conjured up in the background are scenes of rivers, maritime- or colonial landscapes and cagebars shaped as architectural drawings."The history of a house I am comissioned to decorate, it's original use and architecture, all that is my point of departure and all these aspects need to be valued. "More and more of my clients seem to consider their home not only as a commodity, but as a place that gives comfort for a while but will subsequently be passed on to future generations. These people not just want to have their walls decorated; they want to leave a legacy, a tangible sign of their presence in the history of the residence. In this way the house itself becomes part of my painting"
According to the philosophy of the decorator, every work must also be a story. Whether it's a mural, a painted ceiling or a decorative panel, Korver likes to bring out more meaning in what he portrays. Images of nature, architecture and history overlapping each other, integrating at different narrative levels. "Most people expect from a wall decoration or a painted ceiling to be just that; Something just expressing its ornamental contents. I try to go further than that and create paintings that have their own life and meaning as a work of art,"
A mixture of awe, wonder and reality emerges from these painted panels. "But although I often make use of rather unexpected animals with strange habits, I am not aiming to shock the viewer. I prefer to tickle them and their immagination with animals, flowers and plants, both common and unusual, thus causing a lasting sense of wonder. . . "
Time and again inspired by his organic repertoire Korver realizes personal variations on the theme of painting animals, birds, plants and flowers, using unusual backgrounds: antique floorboards, facades of buildings, architectural ruins, stacks of broken Delft porcelain. A clear reference to the architecture of the house can always found in the works this Dutch decorator. The owner of a beautiful historic farmhouse saw a crested hoopoe added to one of the oversized panels above his doorways. and a 40 M² painted wheat field with blue thistles and mating butterflies on the ceiling, to remind us of the houses vertile and fruit bearing past. The birds painted for an 18th c. palazzo in the historic center of Amsterdam on the other hand, were depicted against a trompe l 'oeil background of historic and architectural elements. In these five "Histoire Naturelle" paintings - one of his latest works, painted on aluminum panels for the entrance of an eighteenth century Napoleonic residence - Korver has combined the decorative tradition of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in a series of aviaries. Exotic and indigenous birds are mixed here, with abandoned furniture, matresses and portraits of historical figures relating to the houses history. Conjured up in the background are scenes of rivers, maritime- or colonial landscapes and cagebars shaped as architectural drawings."The history of a house I am comissioned to decorate, it's original use and architecture, all that is my point of departure and all these aspects need to be valued. "More and more of my clients seem to consider their home not only as a commodity, but as a place that gives comfort for a while but will subsequently be passed on to future generations. These people not just want to have their walls decorated; they want to leave a legacy, a tangible sign of their presence in the history of the residence. In this way the house itself becomes part of my painting"
According to the philosophy of the decorator, every work must also be a story. Whether it's a mural, a painted ceiling or a decorative panel, Korver likes to bring out more meaning in what he portrays. Images of nature, architecture and history overlapping each other, integrating at different narrative levels. "Most people expect from a wall decoration or a painted ceiling to be just that; Something just expressing its ornamental contents. I try to go further than that and create paintings that have their own life and meaning as a work of art,"
A mixture of awe, wonder and reality emerges from these painted panels. "But although I often make use of rather unexpected animals with strange habits, I am not aiming to shock the viewer. I prefer to tickle them and their immagination with animals, flowers and plants, both common and unusual, thus causing a lasting sense of wonder. . . "

Nei suoi "bestiari parietali", l'artista olandese Peter Korver intreccia la storia naturale al fantastico e all'arte
Il pittore olandese Peter Korver, ha trasformato la sua vocazione per le specie animali in poetiche pitture murarie o su grandi pannelli che una volta terminati, vengono montati nella casa dei committenti.”
"Da ragazzino cominciai ad allevare i bruchi. Iniziai col trattenere due falene in una gabbia per l'accopiamento e nel giro di poco vidi dischiudersi le uova, deposte dalla femmina. Riempii la gabbia con tutte le foglie che riusciva a contenere affinché i bruchi fossero ben nutriti. Un giorno scoprii che le crisalidi erano scomparse sotto lo strato di sabbia della voliera, ma poco dopo, in una fresca sera d’estate assistetti ad uno straordinario spettacolo naturale: le crisalidi erano mutate in tante falene rosa danzanti che avevano riempito il mio giardino. Per me fu una magia!”.
Quella per la natura è una passione che accompagna l'artista Peter Korver fin dall'infanzia e nell'esperienza diretta, acquisita nella sua regione d'origine, la costa nord occidentale dell'Olanda.
La prima vocazione del decoratore, quella de diventare un biologo, viene superata dopo i primi anni di università ad Amsterdam, quando Peter cambia facoltà iscrivendosi a storia e arte. Riflesso di questa formazione poliedrica, sono le sue opere decorative, veri e propri parietali dove la storia naturale si sposa con l'arte e favola. Peter Korver si ispira al repertorio organico e ne realizza personali variazioni sul tema dipingendo animali, volatili, piante e fiori su sfondi inconsueti: facciate di edifici, rovine architettoniche, porcellane di Delft accatastate.
Un chiaro rimando all'architettura della dimora si ritrova sempre nelle opere del decoratore olandese. Una bella casa di campagna avrà upupe e campi di grano dipinti su uno sfondo naturale, un tramonto, un cielo terso, mentre gli ucelli e fiori dipinti per un palazzo storico avranno come base trompe l 'oeil ed elementi architettonici. In uno degli ultimo lavori del decoratore, Histoire Naturelle, cinque dipinti realizzati per una residenza settecenta ad Amsterdam, Peter Korver coniuga la tradizione decorativa del XVII e XVIII secolo delle voliere, evocate sullo sfondo, con alcune scene fluviale e marine, con i suoi volatili esotici ritratti di personaggi storici che hanno abitato net palazzo. "La storia, la destinazione orginaria e l'architettura di una dimora che sono chiamato a decorare costituiscono il mio punto di partenza e sono aspetti da mettere in valore. Sempre più privati considerano la propria abitazione non solo un bene di possesso, ma un luogo che dà benessere e che sarà tramandato alle generazioni successive. Queste persone desiderano pareti decorare perché vogliono lasciare un'eredità alla casa, un segno tangibile della loro presenza nella storia della residenza, per questo la casa stessa entra a far parte delle mie decorazioni murali". Secondo la filosofia del decoratore, ogni sua opera deve essere anche un racconto. Che sia un murales, un soffitto dipinto o un pannelo decorativo, Peter Korver ama far emergere più significati da ciò che dipinge e il suo sovrapporre natura, architettura, storia è il sovrapporsi e l'integrarsi di diversi piani narrativi. "Molti si aspettano da una decorazione parietale che sia una decorazioni parietali tout court e che esprima solo il suo contenuto ornamentale, ma io cerco di andare oltre e creare dipinti che hanno vita e senso come opere d'arte", spiega il decoratore. Un misto di meraviglia, stupore e realtà emerge dai pannelli dipinti di Peter. "evito di creare imressioni di shock in chi guarda, preferisco solleticare l'immagianazione con animali, fiori o pianti dal comune e insoliti che provocano una meraviglia duratura", racconta il decoratore.

Il pittore olandese Peter Korver, ha trasformato la sua vocazione per le specie animali in poetiche pitture murarie o su grandi pannelli che una volta terminati, vengono montati nella casa dei committenti.