VOGUE magazine featured the large Magpie mural for Club Abe Amsterdam in september 2013,
"L'Officiel" followed a week later, publishing club Abe's Peacock-murals on their website. . and so did Cosmopolitan - Jan - Residence - Glamour - Elegance - Suits and Shots - Life After Football - NRC Handelsblad - Women Online - Parool PS - Gentlemen's Watch - Venuez - Colourful Rebel - Benewed - Playboy magazine - Mercedes Benz - FRAME - Grazia - Viva - Linda. . . etc etc
I love Magpies
Apparently the glossies like them too



Ethnic Chic - Residence - dec. 2015

FRAME magazine highlighting some of the rawer details we added to club ABE's interior.

Mercedes Benz

Dutch actress Halina Reijn with the Magpie mural. VIVA magazine. 2014

Dutch actress Halina Reijn with the Peacock mural. VIVA magazine. 2014

ELEGANCE 2/2017 - Aparently brands like Chanel, Prada. YSL and Fendi like magpies too . . .

ELEGANCE 2/2017 - Aparently brands like Chanel, Prada. YSL and Fendi like magpies too . . .

ELEGANCE 2/2017 - Aparently brands like Chanel, Prada. YSL and Fendi like magpies too . . . Photo's; MartinSweers.




NRC Handelsblad
