Two new painted ceilings
One for an archtects office in the midst of historic Amsterdam, the other in a 300 year old farmhouse in Abcoude.
For centuries plaster workers would apply the lime to reed mats attached under de ceiling beams. A technique with great warmth insulating benefits.
Between these 18th century beams the reeds now have been transformed into a field featuring thousands of ears and stems of wheat, so that, looking up from your desk, you sense the proximity of a summers day. Warmly hued blue flowers appear randomly amongst the wheat. Their leaves and stems, however, disclose the painfully sharp thorns of thistles
"Wheat I" was installed in 2008






Entrance hall and Kitchen of 18th c. farmhouse in Abcoude
EARS OF WHEAT. THOUSANDS OF THEM. All of them painted singlehandedly between the 18th century beams of this kitchen ceiling. A fertile reminder of the days of food production. In this summery field the blue and white of the Delftware tiles is reflected by hundreds of amorous butterflies and so blended into the multi hued palette of a new generation.
In the adjoining entrance-hall a blackbird has taken up residence. In the stucco-lunette under the monumental barrel vault she has built her nest from the wheat on the kitchen ceiling. Peeking over the edge she keeps an inquisitive, yet friendly eye on any passing visitors.

Couples of mating butterflies, a fertile reminder of the days of food production in this 18th century farmhouse.


Thousands of ears of wheat, all of them painted singlehandedly between the ancient beams of this kitchen ceiling.



